Quail a la Bianca

Composed and tested by: Ingrid Laas

3 quails
200ml water
100ml dry white wine
1 teaspoon rosemary
0.5 teaspoon oregano
0.5 teaspoon marjoram
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon black pepper
100g champignons
150g green beans

Bring water to boil, add salt, marjoram, black pepper, oregano, rosemary, basil and 100ml white wine.
Place quails into a bowl and add boiling liquid, cover the bowl with a plate and leave it for 3 hours.

Slice champignons and green beans and place into an oven bag. Add quails with liquid to the oven bag,
seal it and cut one corner loose.
Cook quails in oven 220C for 2 hours, till soft.

Place to a plate and garnish with fresh rosemary or basil!